Founder and Executive Director of My Legacy, Ms. Fortunata Temu speaks to the media during one of the press briefings by the organization

Stakeholders from across sectors including Civil Society Organizations, decision-makers, government actors, health experts, and influential people in Tanzania are expected to meet, strategize and chart out an ideal holistic approach toward preventing the further spread of COVID-19 in the Dar es Salaam Region.


A total of 100 relevant stakeholders, 50 from CSOs, 5 decision-makers, 25 government actors, and 25 selected influencers in the region will be oriented on key issues around COVID-19 awareness, prevention, and mitigation measures. After a thorough orientation and joint discussions, the team is expected to come up with a joint action plan to raise awareness of COVID 19 preventive measures and coping mechanisms.


The Government Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Aifello Wedson Sichwale is expected to officiate the launch of a series of four days capacity building meetings starting from 17th to 20th May 2022 in Dar es Salaam.


Commenting on the event, Ms. Fortunata Temu, the Founder and Executive Director of My Legacy-the main organizers said the move seeks to complement the government’s efforts under the Ministry of Health aimed at curbing the spread of coronavirus in Tanzania.


“Of late, many people in Tanzania have relaxed when it comes to taking measures to protect themselves against the COVID-19 pandemic. We should bear in mind that the pandemic has not gone away, it is the new normal that we must live with but with caution. The pandemic still exists despite robust measures to address it. Based on this, My Legacy and our partners such as AMREF Tanzania and Global Fund are working to complement efforts by the government and other stakeholders in making sure that everyone in the country is safe from coronavirus.” Said Ms. Temu.


Expanding on the rationale of the meetings, My Legacy, Head of Programs Ms. Nancy Minja said,

“My Legacy has been working on COVID 19 interventions in Dar es salaam since the beginning of 2021 by providing relevant knowledge to community members on COVID 19 preventive measures, providing handwashing facilities in crowded areas to support frequent hand washing, and provision of entrepreneurship skills to youth and women for economic sustenance.


Through these meetings, My Legacy will capacitate relevant stakeholders in Dar es Salaam with knowledge and skills for COVID-19 awareness and prevention measures. We will also create a forum for stakeholders to share knowledge and best practices as well as to discuss challenges and come up with joint action plans for COVID 19 awareness and preventive measures including uptake of the COVID 19 vaccines. The overall goal is to mitigate and eradicate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.” Added Ms. Minja.



Background Information

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tanzania in March 2020, the government under the Ministry of Health took measures to curb the pandemic. Together with other strict measures such as temporary closure of schools and other public services amenities, the government has collaborated with various partners to guarantee greater access to basic hygiene services such as PPEs, sanitizers, masks, and water tanks in areas that attract people gatherings. Similarly, the provision of vaccines against COVID 19 has contributed immensely to the country’s reduction and containment of the transmission of COVID – 19.


According to the Ministry of Health, as of May 2022, Tanzania has recorded cumulatively a total of 33,916 cases and 803 deaths since March 2020. Also, the Ministry of Health recorded a total of 4,110,884 people fully vaccinated as of May 2022.


About My Legacy

My Legacy is a non-governmental organization that strives to eradicate extreme poverty by improving access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities, and productive resources. It envisages a poverty-free community that lives dignified lives. To attain its vision and mission, My Legacy deploys approaches such as economic empowerment and inclusive Leadership as a strategy to address community challenges.


Contacts for Press Inquiries

Name: Nancy Minja

Designation: Head of Programs

Phone: 0712 500231


Physical Address: Target Complex House, No. 17,

Ukarimu Street, Mbezi Beach, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.




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